Based in Eastern Kansas
 Clock Repair and Restoration of an Ingraham Marbleite #11Hello, I’m Tim and I repair clocks part time and by appointment.
If you have a family heirloom, historical timepiece, an antique or estate sale find, or just a treasured clock, we can get it running again.

I remember when I received a Black Forest Cuckoo clock for my 5th birthday from my Great Aunt and Uncle.  He was in the military, and they were stationed in Germany at the time, so we received a lot of cool German toys! This clock was different though and I think  I’ve had a passion for clocks ever since!

Years later, I realized that my passion for clocks extended beyond mere collecting.  I wanted to repair and service these timepieces and preserve their history just as many clock repairmen and women had before me.

I am blessed to have an amazing mentor, Doyle.  He has been working on clocks for over 50 years and reminds me regularly that there are many many clocks out there and no two are completely exactly alike.

The tools and resources we have today are much better than decades ago.  Often times, we will see what looks like a “shotty” repair job on a clock (and it might be!) but must keep in mind that the resources and techniques of last century are eclipsed by the services available now.  In short, there is much that we can do to bring a treasured clock back to life.

Tim's Clock Repair and Restoration

An antique clock, and many vintage clocks are not only historical items, but can also be a useful piece of home decor.  These historical items should be preserved and cared for.  Perhaps you have a clock that has been your family – maybe for decades.  Remember the pleasant sounds it used to make?  Truth is, many clocks made today aren’t the same quality of craftsmanship of yesteryear, and don’t look or sound the same.

I take pride in clock repair and restoration of antique and vintage clocks.  We service Antique and Modern Clocks, including Wall Clocks, Mantle Clocks and Cuckoo Clocks. Email about electric and battery powered clocks. I will be happy to discuss any clock project, so feel free to reach out.   



Looking for an heirloom clock, or one like the one Grandma had?  Do you want to sell one you have?  Contact Us.

Clock blog

We’ll add some projects we’ve been working on.


Next Steps…

Contact us about your clock project!